Thursday, November 10, 2005

Oh, the Frivolite

Not all that competitive by nature, I’d nonetheless like to see a Craft Olympics. Alternatively, an Oscar-like ceremony, honouring skill, fortitude and imagination. Don’t get me wrong: I’m a fan of the craft displays at State Fairs and Royal Agricultural Shows, but I’m thinking of something bigger. Bolder. Let’s face it, none of us is half the knitter our grandmother was, let alone our great-grandmother. But out there, there’s one or two who’ve pushed their skills far beyond your average SnBer.

I’d like to kick off the nominations: Edwige Renaudin and Sylvain Le Guen. For services to the lost arts of tatting and fan-making. These two have joined forces to create an unparalleled work of art (no matter what you think of the end result.) I don’t mean to offend, but these two are INSANE, in the best possible way.

FYI, I’d like to publicly option Edwige & Sylvain’s story for a later blog novelisation/short story/feature-length motion picture film. He’s 25, dear readers. He has side-burns and stubble. She wears glasses and makes lace. They meet fortuitously, and give birth to a fan perfect in both function and form. How can they not be in love? Their story has all the elements of drama lacking in contemporary entertainments: a craft unfashionable for the third time, knot-making as social activity, the pushing of craftsmanship to its extreme limits, the inherent suspense of tatting WITHOUT a supporting frame.

I really want to learn how to tat now. According to their website, The Ring of Tatters puts enthusiasts in touch with each other all over the world. And, you know, there’s no one I'd rather spend time with than an enthusiast.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, you should try tatting. I'm currently quite consumed by it. You just have to be able to get past those copious patterns for tatted crosses and angels....

As for Edwige and Sylvain, that film is definitely begging to be made.

6:57 AM  

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