Sunday, September 11, 2005

Help Desk

One of my motivations in setting up a blog was to develop a readership who might help me remember where I heard/read/saw things that I’ve forgotten/lost/misattributed. So far, I imagine my readership could easily sit down together for Sunday Yum Cha [Dim Sum, for the American contingent] but I’m going to reach out and ask anyway. If you notice in a week or so that there’s still zero comments, please leave one. I don’t care if you’ve nothing informative to contribute, it’ll help me feel less a blog outcast than I actually am.

So, here goes:

About a year ago, in the wonderful Bank News on Clark Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio, I came across a Canadian magazine. Well produced (more than a ‘zine, not quite Nest), it might have been somewhat literary, and possibly had a double-barrelled French title. Perhaps it was more oriented toward social commentary? I remember lots of text, and although the interior was single colour, the cover was a four-colour full-bleed. It was in English, I think. If you are in Cleveland, and happen to be in Bank News, it was on the lowest shelf of the upper rack of foreign magazines, opposite the art/graphic design/high-brow porn. Any ideas?

Again, sometime last year, I read a blog in which the writer questioned whether eccentricity is being lost in the move toward globalisation. Are people less individual, less eccentric, more the same than they once were? I’d like to read this again. Any chance anyone remembers who wrote this, and how to find it?

Thanks in advance. Prizes (non-redeemable for cash) will be awarded to the first readers who point me in the right direction.


Blogger Meg said...

Hi there. I'm reading this post and it's more than a week later and there's zero comments so I thought I would leave a comment. Unfortunately I cannot personally help with your Canadian magazine quest, but I do have a good friend in Cleveland, who, although she is not a knitter or a very crafty person for that matter, loves all things Canadian (it all started with Degrassi and a terrible beauty was born). Maybe I can get her to go look in the appropriate spot in Bank News?
And there are already a total of EIGHT comments under your next two posts (who's saying blog outcast???)!!

9:48 AM  

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